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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


To give way to anxiety; allowing your mind to dwell on your difficulties and troubles.

Walk today with your soul on fire for God! Look to things above and rest in knowing he's got you!

Diving in to that thing called worrying this morning Champions!

A great analogy that has always stuck with me on worrying is, rocking in a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but gets you nowhere.

Think about it like this, what is your track record for surviving the hardest day of your life? 100%, because you're still here. Managing our mind and filling it with God's word is a powerful thing. When and if worry comes knocking, let God answer the door. When we want to get better at something, we practice. Managing our mind is no different. Use the instruction manual God has provided ( The Bible) then watch how the worries of this world go away! Think on things above.

Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature.

Matthew 6:27

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