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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The start of a brand new week Champions!

26 letters in the English alphabet that can be strung together to create so much discord if we allow it. On the flip side, they can also bring so much life.

When a baby is learning to talk we focus on the important words. Mommy, Daddy, please and thank you. Then there's eat, sleepy and let's not forget no no. You see, as we are training these precious little guys we are teaching them the basics in their vocabulary. As they grow and as we grow our words expand. Have you ever said something and immediately wished you could have a do over or be able to take it back? Controlling our words is a sign of tremendous growth. Think about it, if someone punched you in the would probably leave a bruise but eventually would heal. However, if someone used words to hurt you the impact never really goes away. Today, I ask you to join me in self control. To be mindful of the words we speak. To use them to build each other up not to bring one another down! I remember back to a saying I once heard, " God please make my words as sweet as honey because tomorrow, I may have to eat them." I know I've had to eat some not so sweet words in my life. Today sounds like the perfect day to speak life to one another. Let's do it together!

Gentle words bring life and health.

Proverbs 15:4

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