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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Wisdom practice.

o make practical application with your life situations by the lessons you have learned and are still learning.

Happy Friday Champions. We are blessed with another day on planet earth.

This morning I was connecting two words... Wisdom and Practice!

As I was reflecting on past life lessons and the wisdom that I have gained going through them. Keeping it real and transparent this morning. I think you would agree that we learn through things that aren`t always comfortable? From those things that get messy and sometimes sting a bit.

We change when we know better. Stay with me... Have you heard, when you know better, do better? The aforementioned statement is so true on many levels. Keep in mind, it takes practice and to become better at anything. Now, what can be a little wonky is walking through the practice. The practice could involve other people in your circle. You may be in a place of elevation. You may be in a place of changing to do better, to be better. As you are practicing and walking through it, there just might be some people that get left behind. Lean in... some will not embrace your growth or appreciate you changing for whatever the reason. Be ok with that.

Look to God. Talk to God. Listen to God.

Sometimes, your circle will change. Some you just might have to love from a distance, and some new relationships will most likely meet you in your next season.

Stretch and grow through wisdom practice Champions!

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. His praise endures forever.

Psalm 111:10

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