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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Knowledge along with the insight on how to apply it.

Happy Saturday Champions!

Today is ready, are we?

Summer time is a great time to do a little summer reading. I don't know about you but everything I read doesn't always supply me with wisdom. I suppose sometimes it's just a break in a fast paced routine to step away and relax for a bit.

However, this morning I am landing on wisdom. Yes, it can be found in a book. It can be found taking a class, it can be found in just living each day.

Lean in...God tells us if we want wisdom to ask, and he'll give it to us. I thought about that this morning. Is it possible we don't ask because we might not like what he has to say, or what will be revealed to us?

My quote of late has been, when you know better.

I'll close this morning with this question>>>

Do we really want to do better?

Be blessed and encouraged Champions!

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5

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