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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Who are you?

Everything about yourself that is known and what still remains to be discovered.

Champions, may your Wednesday be amazing and your hearts be light!

This morning I have just a simple question to ponder. Who are you? We may begin with providing our name, possibly our age, and might even add our occupation and where we live.

Go deeper, who are you? What defines you? What sets you apart from anyone else? You and I are so much more than what we see on the surface. I challenge you today to do a deep dive into your inner self and focus on the who that God created you/ me to be. You see, when we uncover our purpose and tap into the source for our strength, we begin to shine with the outward signs of an inward happening. You are loved, you are mighty and you are so much more!

Created in the image of Almighty God! Champions, take the time to find the answer to the question today! There is only one you and it was planned and intended that way. Do amazing things today and let others see just exactly who you are!

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvelous are thy works and that my soul knows very well.

Psalm 139:14

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