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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

When the light bulb goes off!

To suddenly understand something. To have a resolution for what once was a problem.

Monday, what a blessing we have been given Champions! As we open our eyes to this brand new day, lets seek the one that gave us this day to begin with!

When the light bulb goes off...

Jumping right into it this morning. Have you had those situations that just seem to go on forever? A problem, that at first, you feel there is no resolution for? I know I sure have. I have found that in those times, I was more focused on the problem or situation at hand than the one that had the answer. Typically, when I exhausted all possibilities in my strength, this light bulb would go off and say, "did you give it to God?"

From the smallest to the largest issues in our lives, God wants to be a part of them all.

You see, we are the ones that pick and choose the things we think we can handle and that's when things go awry. For me it was the biggest aha when I let go and let God! Don't get me wrong, I still have my moments, when I catch myself trying to fly solo. However, those moments don't last no where near as long as they once did. I flip that switch and the light bulb comes on and I give it to the one that is the light! We were never meant to go it alone. Walk with Him today and enjoy the journey!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

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