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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

What's holding you back?

A hesitation in progression. To not do something to the fullest extent that one can.

Sweet Saturday morning blessings to you and yours Champions! Seek special moments today and live! Refuse to abstain from being the best you that you can be today! Today is what we've got, no holding back!

Landing on no holding back this morning. I camped out this morning on just the very phrase. I asked myself, "what are you holding back?" Sometimes, just a quiet uninterrupted moment of self reflection is all you need. What would we do if we weren't afraid to fail? Now, part two would be this God isn't a failure. So, if we are lining up our lives with his will, we are destined for victory. So why do we have these parties in our head of what we can't do? The devil is a liar and trys his best to manipulate us. I encourage you to break those chains that are telling you, ( you can't) and meet them face to face with GOD CAN! Head up, vision clear and no holding back! Proceed with your day! I have nothing but love for you! You can!

The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.

Proverbs 16:9

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