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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

What's first?

The order of importance one places concerning priorities in their life.

Waking up to a new day and thanking God first for providing it.

Good morning Champions! Started this morning's topic with a quick question... What's first?

I don't know about you but I certainly have answered it with both an amen and an ouch at times.

This morning is just as good of a time as any to be real with ourselves. I can only speak for me. You can only speak for you. What's first?

We can make excuses until the cows come home. However, the things we do on a daily basis will tell us, where our priorities are. Our simple daily routine will let us know quickly, what's first.

A smart person once told me, what you think about first thing in the morning and last thing before you fall asleep is what you have put first in your life.

Here's the thing, to change behaviors we have to change actions. I encourage you to place God in that number one spot. Before anyone or anything else.

I am still a work in progress on many things. However, I can say with total transparency that I have placed God first on my list in the morning when I wake up and allow him to tuck me in at night.

Lean in...we can't be everything and everywhere for everybody. Actually, if we even attempt to, we will burn out so fast. What we can do is love God through all of our everythings, everywheres and everybodys.. and he always finds a way to make it all work out.

After all he is called a way maker.

In closing this morning...too often we go from day to day thinking that there is always tomorrow. Champions, that's a lie. We aren't promised tomorrow.

So I'll ask again...What's first?

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Matthew 6:33

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