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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

What are you listening to?

Sounds & words one allows to enter their mind through their ears.

Prayers being sent to you this morning Champions for a day that brings quiet, a day that brings calm, a day that brings peace, a day that is spent walking with the Son!

My morning routine consists of listening to praise music as I prepare lunches for my loves for the day ahead.

Understandably, my morning routine isn't your morning routine. Everyone has to find their balance and what works to jump start their day. For me, starting my day praising God through song makes my whole day brighter. I do like most types of music, but I lean towards christian music for the most part. I've noticed over the years I have begun to be more in tune with the words being sung.

I have had so much junk infiltrate my ears over the years... Through music, television, conversations, movies...that I have plenty of crud stored in my memory bank to last me a lifetime. Here's the thing, what we put in is what comes out. I can only speak for myself here. However, if you can relate to anything I've shared this morning, I encourage you to pay attention to what is entering your spirit through your ears. Will you join me today in making a joyful noise and listening to joyful noises as we go about our way!

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippines 4:8

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