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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Walk a mile in my shoes...

The journey of life that each one of us takes. Comes with twists, turns, bumps, and possibly some bruises. Also...certainly joy, don't forget the joy.

Greatest of Tuesday mornings to you Champions! May your day begin with joy and continue with joy!

Thinking this morning about the journey of life.

Each one of us has one. Each one different and unique.

I ran into a young lady a few weeks back that left an imprint on my heart. She was very sad, maybe even a little bitter. Her first instinct was to lash out and she needed her voice to be heard. I suppose you could say I was on the receiving end of what she was delivering. Looking back my first inclination was to get as far away from this human as possible. She wasn't kind, wasn't saying kind things.

However, I stuck it out.

I listened to her and tried to gain some sort of understanding as to how she had arrived at the point of view where she was currently.

Truth be told, I have dished out my share of unkind remarks to others a time or two in my life.

So I guess you could call what I partook in with this young lady a venting session.

I hope she felt a little better to get that bottled up frustration off of her chest. The interesting part was I left the conversation with a great deal of empathy for her.

You see, each one of us walks a different walk. I can't judge her and the path she has traveled no more than she can walk a mile in my shoes.

Moral to the post...sometimes, just listen. No response. No judgment is all that'sneeded.

It can be tuff, but the actual growth within is so worth it.

There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

James 4:12

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