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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Under Construction 

An unfinished structure or project that is actively being worked on.

Thursday, what a great day to be thankful! Walk today with a pep in your step Champions! God is in control!

Being under construction is where we're going this morning. Or maybe you've heard a work in progress? Either way you go, we are still being molded and constructed on a daily basis. Growth is a good thing. Learning and seeking knowledge is a good thing but we must apply what we learn to grow and that's where the under construction part comes in. I think it's safe to say, none of us have arrived at a place of perfection. When we take an honest inventory of ourselves, there are areas that we all can work on. Here's the awesome piece to it. God, wants to be a part of every step. What areas have been revealed to you that require focus and change? What ever the revelation, know you are not alone! Begin that construction process today. After all, none of us have evolved and we're all a work in progress! Let's get to it😊

( For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God.)

Hebrews 3:4

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