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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Two Roads, One Choice!

A road is a long narrow stretch used for traveling.

Good morning Champions! I trust we are all getting prepared for our day today! As we are getting ready let's remember to put on the whole armor of God! Be a warrior today!

Two roads, one choice. In this thing called life we are faced with choices daily. This morning we are going to discuss the meaning of the two roads. As we are traveling down the road known to us as our life we can either take the wide road and be a follower of many or the narrow road that leads to a great reward! Too often we have a tendency to take the path of least resistance. Think about walking in the's much easier to follow the path many have walked. When the path is narrow we may encounter- briars, cobwebs, poison ivy, critters. So we avoid that path.We avoid the obstacles and opportunities. We avoid the hardships that refine us. Champions on that narrow path is where life lessons are learned. That's where we grow in our faith and have to use the brain God gave us to overcome. On the wide path that so many have traveled and are still traveling, we are choosing to just follow the leader. Not really having to think, certainly not having to use any decision making skills because we are taking the easy path or so we think. But in the end, there is no substance found on that path because at the end of that path we are still seeking and that road literally leads us to a dead end!

I challenge you to stand out, to take that path least traveled and not just seek but find the reward waiting for you at the end! God allows u-turns. Choose your road wisely.

Hot tip... the bible is an awesome GPS! Be crazy amazing today for His kingdom!

Go in through the narrow door. The door is wide and the road is easy that leads to hell. Many people are going through that door. But the door is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life everlasting. Few people are finding it.

Matthew 7: 13-14

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