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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Wealth or riches stored or accumulated, especially in the form of precious jewels, metals or money.

Sunday hugs and happiness Champions! We will get right to it this morning. Reflecting this morning and asking myself, what do you truly treasure? Wealth is too often measured by material possessions. I sat for a moment this morning and just thanked God for the treasure He has given me. There are somethings money just can't buy. Those are the moments with the ones you love. The smiles, memories and time well spent. The hugs and just sitting for a spell with the special people in your life. Laughter, the I love yous. Today, let's not let this world dictate to us how our treasure is measured but let's just revel in knowing how precious time is and to be moment makers. This life is but a vapor, the treasure you seek is right there before your eyes.

Some say seeing is believing, actually believing is seeing! Enjoy and appreciate today Champions!

She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.

Proverbs 3:15

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