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Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The act or process of changing from one thing to another.

Good morning Champions! I pray you have a beautiful and blessed day today!

I love this time of year and seeing all of the butterflies taking flight. The intricate colors and markings on each one. The carefree flutter through the sky. Landing for a moment to take flight again. I can't help but to also think of the struggle that I know took place for the butterfly during the time it was a caterpillar to become the beautiful creation God intended for it to be.

The butterfly is a great example of putting the work in to transform into all God created you to be. We can relate to the butterfly, you know? Think about it... more times than enough, we place ourselves into cacoons. Trouble is, too often we stay in that cacoon and become complacent for too long. However, when we stretch, grow, and keep fighting to transform...something beautiful happens. That something beautiful is that person God created each one of us to be. Is the transformation uncomfortable? You betcha, but that day that you feel the freedom and the wind under your wings...the transformation was certainly worth it. Each day that we wake and have the ability to grow from the day before is a beautiful blessing. We have the ability to give Almighty God full reign in our hearts to do a mighty work. To enter into His presence.

Here's the thing... if you feel you may have become stagnant in your transformation, God is there and waiting for you to seek him. Spread your wings wide today Champions, take flight! Break out of that cacoon and be you!

The you God intended for you to be!

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from your presence, and take not your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Psalm 51: 10-12

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