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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Tolerating isn't love...

To accept or endure. Putting up with someone or something to prevent confrontation or being uncomfortable.

May the Lord bless you and keep you Champions!

This morning I landed on tolerate. During my devotion last night, I scratched the surface on the aforementioned.

Thinking it through a bit further this morning, I know tolerating isn't love.

When someone continuously throws darts at you it just isn't cool.

Certainly, we don't want to react in a way that displeases our Heavenly Father.

So what are our options? Asking myself that question, I landed on...brush it off and love them from a distance.

The heart of the matter is that everyone will not treat us as we treat them. If we aren't careful we will camp out with an attitude of tolerance.

Our relationships that are meaningful and deeply connected are the ones that love is real and behaviors aren't toleratedwhen they don't line up and create peace.

I am certainly going to take a deeper look into just what I tolerate in the different relationships in my life.

Time to stretch and grow!

I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.

Romans 16:17

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