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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

This thing called life...

The act of living in general, with all of the twists and turns derived from choices made, both good and bad with an ending result.

With the morning sun rising comes a hope for a new day. A heart felt thank you, I give to my Creator and yours Champions!

As I prepare my mind for the day ahead, I breathe deeply. This world can be far more complicated than it needs to be. I see the current world events and sigh.

I remember things in my life that could have had a different result, if I had made a different choice. A bit intriguing, when I think about it.

The shortest distance between two points is a straight line. However, I certainly have had my curves, twists, and turns. Some of my decisions I'm sure, have made God shake his head. I'm so glad he loves me regardless of some of those choices. I thank him for his mercy and grace. I thank him for loving me through my stubbornness and hard headed times. This thing called life comes with an instruction manual and an instructor. We just need to pick it up and read it. That manual is the bible and the instructor is the Big G himself! He clearly says, if we want wisdom to ask.

In closing we can't go backwards but we can move forward with a purpose. Stay on the straight path, look for God's road signs. The destination will be well worth the journey! Be blessed!

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28

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