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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

The unknown

something that you do not know or are not sure of.

Happy weekend Champions. I encourage you to do something over the weekend, to refresh your spirit!

Saturdays are super special. That day of the week to try to clean, organize, prepare, and regroup for another week ahead. With the week ahead, it will come with many unknows. This life certainly has many unknowns. Being totally transparent, I have been so preoccupied with things that were unknown before that I lost sight of what`s now. Too often, we block our blessings living in fear of the at unknown. How does that familiar quote go again? I don`t know what tomorrow holds, but I know who holds tomorrow. That pretty much sums it up, Go and enjoy!

Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds.

James 1:2

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