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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

The Fighter Within 

That drive deep inside that keeps pushing us forward to achieve things in spite of great difficulties or opposition that comes our way.

Saturday salutations Champions! Be bold and be blessed! Choose today to be more than a conquer!

Keeping it real this morning. Have you ever just had one of those weeks where you needed to reach inside and grab from your stored reserves? I'm raising both my hands in confirmation right now. Yep, this has been one of those weeks. Interestingly enough, when that inner fighter shows up, game on! When we attempt to do anything in our strength the struggle is real. God tells us that he will fight for us. Him, living inside us, going before us, is a pretty amazing thing. Ignite that little fighter within and let God take control! You will win everytime! Make today over the top amazing!

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

Romans 8:31

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