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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

The faith of a mustard seed 

The seed of a mustard plant, usually measuring 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter.

Saturday blessings to you and yours Champions! May your faith abound today as you go about your way!

Mustard seed faith... I have always been intrigued by the meaning behind the mustard seed passages in the bible. This morning as I was reading and going back over this once again, I just stopped. I absolutely love how at different seasons in your life God's word speaks to you in a new and fresh light.

With that being said, I had a moment of self reflection pertaining to my faith. Faith is just a word until we actually apply and use it in our lives. The aha this morning was this, the faith of a mustard seed( such a small minuscule amount) can move mountains. Self check for me, I asked myself honestly, how much faith did I have? Yes, we speak it, I know I do. Here's the thing, faith is letting go and letting God. Trusting him with everything and releasing control of the smallest to largest areas in your life/ in my life. God doesn't need our help/ my help( he needs our obedience) in every aspect of our life. Only takes just a tiny speak of faith.

As I was doing my personal inventory, I could not help but go to God in prayer. Faith, the size of a mustard seed. Lord, have your way in me! Together with you, I want to be a mountain mover! Champions, do you want to be a mountain mover?

If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, move! And it will move. And nothing will be impossible for you.

Matthew 17:20

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