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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Thank You!

A polite expression used when acknowledging a gift, service or compliment.

Saturday morning and time to rise and shine Champions! Thankfulness... to say thank you and truly mean it. To let another know that you appreciate what they have done. Too often we use these two little words but do we really understand how powerful they are?

In a time where entitlement is running rampant,Thank You goes a long way! Would you agree that there is always something to be thankful for? But yet we too often get so consumed with more that we fail to appreciate what we have been given.

Take a moment today and jot down some things that you are thankful for. Here's a question to ponder...

What if the only things you woke up with tomorrow were the things you thanked God for today? Praise Him and give thanks!

Praise the Lord, Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

Psalm 106:1

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