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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Tell the negative committee in your head to sit down!

Stand tall, stand firm. Walking with confidence and your head held high...

Because you are more than enough!

During my morning time of reflection, I couldn't help but think about a simple conversation that I was blessed with over the past week. A conversation over dinner with some young women in my life that I both love and admire. Somehow we got on the topic of marriage and how many times the bride doesn't actually get what she wants but it ends up being a ceremony for others. I have to admit I was absorbing what they were saying like a sponge, because the Good Lord willing, I will one day be helping my daughter plan her wedding.

The conversation took a turn and went deeper. I listened as my dinner companions spoke of their teenage years and comments that were made to them by others that stung a bit. Comments that didn't help their confidence or self esteem. Comments that weren't very encouraging but honestly very discouraging. I remember thinking as they were talking that this conversation was so important and I needed to listen to every word. That I was here at this very moment in time for a reason, and to take mental notes.

You see, I have grown adult boys that are now men and they were pretty easy for the most part.

However, God blessed my husband and me with a strong wiiled, beautiful, independent daughter. I have to admit, she is a little harder than the boys ever were. More emotional for sure. So, I was attentively listening and hanging on to every word that these young ladies were saying.

Let me reel things back in a bit. The conversation with these beautiful young women over dinner certainly opened my eyes. I thought, God please let me be the mother you called me to be to the daughter you gave me. Let me have ears to listen, a mouth slow to speak in anger, without criticizing, and patience...yes plenty of patience. Let our home be a safe haven Lord for all that this world throws at us, throws at her.

Additionally, for the young women that shared some important nuggets with me over dinner, I thank you. Interestingly enough, you probably didn't even give it a second thought that you were teaching a class. You were teaching me.

In closing this morning and to bring all of this together...for the ladies that I mentioned in this post and the many many more out there with similar stories, You are enough! You don't have to be a certain size to determine your worth. Quit constantly wondering if Your complexion is clear enough, if your teeth are white enough, straight enough, if you are too tall, too short?...

Oh beautiful girl, Stop allowing people to criticize God's creation. I wish I could remove all the past negative comments that so many have had to endure. I wish each of you could see how beautiful you are in God's eyes! Shucks, I'm preaching to myself here as well because I can certainly relate to so much that I've shared and I have to remind myself of exactly the same things that I wish for you regularly.

Lean in...the negative committee has no power over you, over me, over us!

Speak positive words over your life, rise in the morning and know you're beautiful, you're a masterpiece, and don't ever let anyone tell you any different!

Take care of your temple, it's the only vehicle that you and me have to transport us through this world. Make a choice today to flip the script!

Be happy, healthy, and whole!

Rise up women of courage and be bold!

You, yes you...were fearfully and wonderfully made! Don't ever forget that!

For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Psalm 139: 13-16

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