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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Take nothing for granted 

When every single thing is duly observed and appreciated. Can be used as a kind of reference from what has passed to the present.

Prayers for a Monday that is appreciated to the highest. We will never have this day again. What we do with it, is up to us.

This morning taking nothing for granted was layed on my heart. A level of the highest appreciation for everything. Yes, I said everything. This includes the trials and tribulations as well as the mountain top experiences. I think back and remember, praying to God for things that I have right now. I'm not speaking of just material items here Champions. Take a moment and take a closer look at your life's journey. Are there things you've taken for granted?

Here's a thought... What if, when we woke up tomorrow morning, we only had, what we thanked God for today?

Personal reflection isn't always easy, especially if we are being honest with ourselves. As you peel back the onion this morning, what areas in your life have you taken for granted? God, family, time, talents? Please understand, I'm doing the same exercise and reflecting, that I'm asking you to do. Growth comes when we aren't in our comfort zone. A great place to begin is always in prayer. Today as we go through our daily routine, will you join me in expressing Thanksgiving? Quit looking for the next best thing and appreciate what is right before your eyes. After all, today is what we have and is the gift that has been given to us. Let's open it up and use it the way God intended. Walk in a state of observation with appreciation today Champions! Be blessed and have an incredible Monday!

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.

Colossians 3:15

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