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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The act of providing care, Concern, and encouragement to another person.

Claiming a victory over this brand new Wednesday we have been given Champions! Today is a great day to be alive!

Walking into today with the topic...supporting.

The great part about supporting someone is, anyone can do it. Doing a deep dive on this one. One question. Why wouldn't we want to be supportive to another? Certainly, we wouldn't support poor choices or behaviors but we can influence and support the good. I think everyone needs a cheerleader. Someone to stand in their corner and root them on. Keeping it real, if jealous or envy is residing in your heart, supporting is probably not on your mind. Each morning pray to God for a clean heart and ask yourself WWJD? I am not suggesting anything that I haven't done myself. I have to do those personal inventories and be sure my will lines up with God's. There is no room for one sided relationships Champions! Examine yourself and let God do his amazing work in you! We all could use a little support out here in this world!

Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

Phillipians 2:4

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