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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Stronger than you think 

Having strength in your reserves that kicks in when you need it most and refusing to listen to your negative self talk.

Fabulous Friday blessings to you Champions! Rise up today and be victorious through Christ!

Stronger than you think, that's where we are going this morning. I have had moments in my life where I just didn't feel like I had the strength to endure certain things. Can you relate? However, my track record for surviving my toughest days is 100%. As I was looking at this morning's topic, I had a realization moment. When we are in God's word daily, we store up an arsenal of power to get us through those tough days, weeks, possibly even years. We were never told we wouldn't have trials and tribulations. Actually we were told just the opposite. We can not pour from an empty cup. We see that we are truly stronger than we think, when we arrive at the test and ace it with flying colors. Hot tip... don't wait until you need additional strength to try and pull it from the air. Focus on your daily consistent walk with our Savior and Sustainer and day by day you will become stronger through him. Cool thing is, he will never leave you! When I'm weak he is strong! There you have it! Time to power lift my bible! Be blessed!

See the Lord and his strength, seek his presence continually.

1 Chronicles 16:11

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