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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Stop participating in the problem...

Making a decision to quit focusing on the difficulty, and to start focusing on the solution.

May your Monday be amazing and full of grace Champions!

This morning I woke thinking about the day ahead. Taking a moment to run my to do list through my mind, I had to pause. Some of the challenges left over from last week, still present and lingering in my head.

So here it is...I can either make a decision at this very moment to focus on the solution, or give more power to the problem. I choose the solution.

I may not solve everything today but I will be just fine letting God guide and direct my steps.

Champions, if you have some challenges left over from last week and are carrying them into this week...

pause, pray, and proceed. God is a provider, and the best problem solver ever!

Be blessed and encouraged today Champions!

Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.

1 Peter 5:7

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