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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A small thin piece of wood broken off from a large piece.

Thursday is here and it's time to shine Champions! Happy August to each one of you.

You might ask, " why "( splinter)? I was listening to the radio yesterday and the speaker said something that was very profound and I couldn't shake it. I've come to realize when something resonates that deeply in my spirit, it's for a reason. So here is what he said...

" If you take care of the splinters, there won't be a split."

There is so much truth in that one statement. When we fail to address or choose to ignore those tiny irritants in life they seem to literally get under our skin and create much larger problems if left unattended.

We all have splinters. Sometimes they come in the form of problems we face on a daily basis. They could also manifest in people. When we choose to ignore situations instead of addressing them, regardless of how they arrive, left unattended can become infected and create larger issues in our lives.

So, what now? Well, I think we all know when those splinters arrive and prick our flesh. So being aware is the first step. Acknowledging is the second step. Praying is the third step. Then allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and direct our actions would be number 4.

Today is the perfect day to pull out those tweezers ( God's Holy Word) and begin to remove the splinters, that when left unattended could result in a split. Be crazy amazing today! If God is for us, who can stand against us?

Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.

Hebrews 12:1

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