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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Spiritual  Warfare 

Fighting against the work of preternatural evil forces.

Happy Sunday Champions! Today we will touch on a topic that creates so many issues that we may not even realize at first glance. I encourage you to take some time today to dig into your bible and ground yourself in the knowledge needed to be a warrior in your life against the adversary and his gang! Not today satan!

Spiritual warfare... there is certainly a battle taking place that we may not even see. Have you encountered times when things and or people in your life seem unsettling? You may be around someone or actually somewhere and you get this feeling that something more is going on. (Then possibly you may not be in tune with it because you are unaware.)The enemy and his cronies are always looking for ways to slip in to our lives. Too often he trys to gain a foothold through people we love. We need to be aware and know that God has our back! Putting on the whole armor and moving forward knowing that in His strength and power He will take care of it!

In my life, I have had times where I have encountered these demons and have been able to acknowledge that they are camping out in people and or places I've seen or been. I didn't understand at first but through study and prayer it became clearer. As warriors when we acknowledge what we are up against and in the name of Jesus, we can overcome!

Have you ever heard the saying , your spirit irritates their demons? Fight Champions! These demons are attacking our families, our friends, our neighbors! Acknowledge the demonic spirit, look it straight in the eye and let it know that you have got it's number and that Almighty God is on your side and in His name you command it to flee. Then be alert, if it returns, repeat the process! There is power in the name of Jesus! Let's join together and rise up!

" What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can stand against us!

Romans 8:31

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