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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Special moments 

A particular point in time that will remain etched in your heart and memory. When added together tell your story.

Time to rise and shine Champions! I pray for those special moments today that will flood your mind and remain ever vivid and heartwarming! Look for the good and you will find it! We see what we are searching for.

I am appreciating the stillness of the morning before this day begins. Special moments in time is where my thoughts landed this morning. Each day brings opportunity to create special moments. To look beyond the noise and distractions that just might cause us to miss something beautiful. Moments tell our story. When added together over time they become our life. Everyday may not be defined as a good day but something good can be found in everyday. I challenge you to have eyes to seek the good and a heart to embrace those special moments. Time is the one thing once spent that you will never get back. Use it wisely. With that being said, don't allow those time wasters and blessing blockers to prevent you from enjoying those special moments. I will leave you with this quote I read...

Sometimes you never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory.

" But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart."

Luke 2:19

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