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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Snooze button...

The button on an alarm clock that can be pushed to stop and reset the alarm for a short period of time before going off again.

May your day and your cup be overflowing Champions. Take a moment on this Good Friday to be thankful for the sacrifice that was made for you and me.

Landing on that snooze button this morning. To snooze or not to snooze is the question? In the early morning hours when that alarm goes off and startles our senses, we have a decision to make. Do we rise with gratitude and say Good morning Lord! Or do we hit snooze and say...good lord it's morning. There is a big difference. Have you noticed when you hit snooze and manage to fall back asleep for that brief period of time, when it goes off again you wake up a bit confused, sorta in a foggy state?Certainly not as alert as when the initial alarm went off. Then get this, some of us hit it again, possibly even multiple times? Life is very much like that snooze button. We have a tendency to want just a few more minutes of slumber. Champions, there is going to come a day when that big alarm clock in the sky sounds it's alarm. We will not have the option to hit the snooze button. Either we will rise or not. The bible clearly tells us we do not know when Jesus will return. I have a very serious question for you. Are you ready? This world provides too many snooze buttons. I encourage you today to be awake, to be aware, to be prepared. While we are here we have a job to do and that is nothing to snooze about. May your day be bright and beautiful as the light of Christ resonates within your heart!

You also must be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you do not expect him.”

Luke 12:40

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