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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A gesture or action to convey information or instruction.

What a glorious morning Champions! May your day be full of hugs and sunshine!

Signs is on the menu for today. I don't know about you but many times I have asked God to show me a sign concerning different situations in my life. Today, let's take a look at the signs all around us that we have a tendency to ignore daily. I really have become perplexed concerning the times we are currently living in. If, you have no concerns with our current culture and the way it is going this post isn't for you. For me, I look around and see how quickly things have changed just from when I was a child. I read my bible and see that what it says about the last days is playing out like a movie. I see on TV and hear on the radio things that at times are just hard to comprehend. Morals, values...what are they based on? Or do they even exist? Biblical principles, having a reverent fear for our Creator and Sustainer? Champions, the signs are all around us. Do we remain silent? Do we just go through our days blending in? Why do we allow our adversary to have the upper hand? The devil is a liar, a thief who wants to kill and destroy. Here's your sign! Wake up out of your slumber and stand on the promises! Each one of us can make a difference. It's your choice/ my choice. We can do all things through Him! Let today be about His business!

Then said Jesus unto him, except ye see signs and wonders ye will not believe

John 4:48

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