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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Rock your purpose!

To outrageously and marvelously live, embrace, and fulfill your reason for existence.

Grandest of mornings to you Champions! Today is here and so are we. Join me in meeting the day ahead with purpose and promise! Let's do it!

As I woke this morning and looked out the window in my kitchen, the sun was peaking up over the trees and I could almost here it shouting to me.

Went something like this...

" Things are about to get a little brighter today!" I thought, the sun certainly knows it's purpose. Stay with me...each one of us has a purpose. You know, that special thing deep inside you that drives you and makes you want to shout!

Could encourager, organizer, prayer warrior, to name a few. Certainly there is no limit to your God given purpose. He could have placed in your heart to sing, teach, preach? If you're trying to tap into your purpose, ask God. He will provide you with the confirmation you need. It's kinda like, taking that special talent or gift that you have, and deciding to use it for God's glory! and then, wait for it... God applies the Bam Factor!! Champions, Rock your purpose today! Don't get bogged down in the opinions of others. Allow God to do his thing in your life! It will be awesome!

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.

Ephesians 3:20

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