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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Right From Wrong 

To know what things are good and what things are bad.

Saturday has arrived once again. We are alive and pondering the to dos for the day. I pray your day brings you happiness and joy in a powerful way through Christ Jesus!

Today I actually went back and forth with this topic. I had like this personal debate within myself for a moment to be sure this was where I was being led this morning. So here we go. I can only speak from my personal perspective and where I have to get my direction to determine right from wrong " God's Holy Word!" With that being said, I fail daily in so many areas but I also exceed in so many areas as well. The living inspired word of God!!!! What a great instruction manual for this crazy mess of a world we reside in. I look around at what is classified as right and what is going on right in front of my eyes and I freeze. Can anyone relate? Too often a blind eye is turned and next thing you know, wrong has become right in our culture of today. I'm not going to speak on specific items as each one of us will have certain things that resonate with in our spirits that send out the alarm...Is this right or is it wrong? The main reason for this mornings blog, is to make you/to make me think. To use our minds and dig into the bible and not take my word or the words of the status quo for anything, but to see what God says. Champions, it is time we quit playing games. What if God said, "Ready or not here I come?" Each one of us can make a difference and are called to. I challenge you to open your eyes and truly see, to open your heart to be guided by our Creator and not to compromise what you know is right from wrong. Be men and women of courage! Let's fight the good fight and get back to the basics with our families! While hating sin but loving the sinner. While refusing to compromise our biblical principles of right from wrong. Always remember in this world we will have trouble but He overcame this world!

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil, that put darkness for light and light for darkness, that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter.

Isaiah 5:20

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