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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Renewal, revival. To receive back more than has been lost, to where the final state is greater than the original state. To make new again.

Most Sensational Sunday morning blessings and abundance sent to you today Champions!

Taking a moment this morning to hang out with the topic "restore". As I was thinking about restoration, I realized that too often instead of restoring, we live in a time of replacing. I'm not just speaking of material objects. For instance, instead of investing the time and work that it might take to restore a relationship the culture we are living in has led us to believe the answer is to bail out. From celebrities on the big screen to our favorite sports heroes. I think back to a simpler time. It actually wasn't that long ago. Most of our grandparents grew up in a time where you just didn't replace things at the drop of a hat. You fixed them. This also included relationships. That brings me to the most important relationship you will ever have...the one with Jesus. Can you remember the day you asked him to come into your heart? The love and joy that you felt at that moment? Do you still have that burning desire to know him more? To grow in his word? Sometimes, we come to a place of complacency in our christian walk and need to recharge our batteries (so to speak).

Restore, Renew, Refresh! God can make all things new again. If you're in that place where you need some restoring, I encourage you to go to him today and he will provide that newness for your spirit! Be blessed, bold, and spirit filled today!

Restore to me the joy of your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.

Psalm 51: 12

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