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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Respect...get what you give!

The way you treat others will be the way you are treated.

Monday morning hallelujahs for a day that is over the top amazing Champions!

Camping out on respect this morning. Understanding totally that the respect we show for others will be shown to us.

Will this always be the case, probably not. However, we certainly should be respectful. We should practice being humble and kind on a regular basis. I've heard for many years that respect isn't given it is earned. I suppose on many levels this is true. Stay with me. I've learned being in leadership roles over the years that if you want someone to be a 10, you treat them as a ten. Seeing their full potential is paramount. Interestingly enough, too often it just starts with showing them a little respect. In this life it isn't about what we get for being respectful but how we are the difference in making someone else's life better.

Boy, when we truly tap into the realization that it isn't about us what a huge A HA Moment we have reached! Respect...given! Let's just start there.

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves.

Phillipians 2:3

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