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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The state of bearing in mind.


With the rising of the sun this morning, please join me for a moment of remembrance and reflection for all of those that were lost on 9-11.

Champions, today should be a day etched in our hearts forever. As we go about our day today, gratefulness and gratitude should certainly be a driving force.

I often say never forget the day before your salvation. You see, this keeps us real. Keeps us humble.

On September 12th twenty years ago our country came together and was United as one. Not one of us could have imagined the horror we saw the day prior until we actually lived throughit. If you weren't born yet, I pray the story goes forth with truth and honor as we remember the ones we lost that day.

Boy things certainly have came full circle since then. So much division within our own country.

My prayer today and I hope it is yours to, is to turn our eyes to Jesus. For Almighty God who remains on the throne to have mercy on us. To be the nation we were once so proud of.


Amen and Amen.

Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.

John 15:13

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