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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Putting up walls...

Creating a separation with the intent of protecting oneself from possible, hurt, rejection, disappointment, or failure. More times than enough, driven by a thought that is triggered from past circumstances, experiences, or an established world view.

With the rising of the sun, I will praise you Lord! Champions, today is a great day to give God praise! We are alive and breathing! That's something to be grateful for!

Diving in this morning...

Building walls...putting up what I like to call blessing blockers, that is what's on the agenda for today.

Asking to speak freely this morning?

Here we go...

I've put up many walls in my life.

Looking back...I realized, I used those walls as a defense mechanism. I justified creating the wall or walls, because I thought I was doing what was best for my wellbeing. My mind was convinced that I was protecting myself from things that would harm me emotionally. Things that would sting, that could cause me pain. Being totally transparent, I still struggle with throwing up a wall every now and again when I feel vulnerable.

Maybe you can relate to what I'm saying? If this doesn't apply to you, I applaud you on so many levels, but if you want to camp out and stay with me for a couple minutes this morning, I have more to share.

Circling back to our topic at hand...

With some serious personal inventory sessions and some heart to heart conversation with my Creator, I have come to realize, I have made some decisions that weren't always the best for me when I allowed my emotions to guide me. Resulting in>>>

<Walls being constructed >

Lean in close Champions...when I let go of the emotional dependence that I was harboring and began to trust God with my life, those walls I created began to come down.

I would be lying to you if I didn't admit that sometimes, I still, to this day struggle in my own strength with this.

However, I do realize that building walls keeps me in and keeps others out. Walls create separation and not typically in a good way. They prevent communication and bring on isolation.

So Champions here it is...identify and acknowledge if you're like me, and throw up those walls in defense.

Then recognize with God you don't need those walls. Yes, let go and let God bring those walls down! Walls hold you captive and God sets you free.

One day at a time Sweet Jesus!

Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!

Psalm 34:8

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