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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Promise...claiming or testifying that something will, or will not be completed.

May your Saturday begin with a gentle touch from our Heavenly Father Champions.

Taking this morning at a pace that fills my spirit with gratitude Champions!

Sitting for a moment before I step into my day, I remembered a moment that I had with our littlest grand last weekend. We were chatting about something that I was trying to get him to do and he agreed to complete the task, after I smiled at him and asked if he pinky promised? He found that question to be quite amusing. He stuck his little pinky out and we wrapped our fingers together. He thought that was the best thing ever. Just for the record, he did complete what he promised he would.

So, let's see if I can tie in my train of thought this morning...

Many times we walk through this world making promises. Could be to ourselves, or others. Here's the question...Do we always keep those promises? I can only answer for me and you can only answer for you. However, the one thing that I am certain of is, every promise that our Heavenly Father has made to us in his word is true and he completes them.

I encourage you today to look up some of those promises in his word. Fact check if you'd like. The result will be, tried and true.

God does what he says.

Make today crazy amazing Champions! We will never have the gift of this day again.

Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.

Matthew 5:17

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