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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


The action of delaying or postponing something.

What a beautiful Saturday morning we have been given Champions! Our eyes are open, the sun is shining and we are alive! Now what?

This morning let's keep it real, we have all at one time or another practiced procrastination. I say practiced because it is an action ( an action of putting things off)

Here's the thing...Procrastination is a very dangerous thing. Stay with me, this in it's simplest form means, we believe we have control of our tomorrow. News flash, We Do Not! Too often I have said, I'll do this that or the other tomorrow with the task either not being completed or plans changed and I was derailed from what I put off. So in turn, it never happened or still needs to be done. Sound familiar? Don't get me wrong it's not just about keeping our households tidy and orderly and checking off our to do lists.Procrastination runs much deeper. How many times have you felt like calling someone, visiting someone? Possibly eating better, exercising? Changing destructive behaviors? Creating new habits? Here's a biggy, growing our relationship with God? Prayer, reading the bible, church? I think it's safe to say each one of us have allowed procrastination to direct our steps by the choices we have made.

Today is a fresh start and the perfect time to live our lives on purpose. Keeping our minds focused and in tune with today we can conquer procrastination together. Remember a thought leads to an action which leads to a habit! Make the most of today, the right now, that's all we are promised. Have a beautiful, productive, God filled Saturday! One moment at a time, together we can!

Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.

Proverbs 27:7

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