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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Things that are regarded as being more important than others.

Morning blessings to you Champions! As we begin this beautiful Friday morning that we have been given, let's take a moment to pause and just be thankful for this new day!

This morning's topic is priorities.

Interestingly enough, we all have them. So let's begin there. As I was reflecting this morning, I stopped to ask myself how I was going to prioritize my day? When we begin those massive to do lists, what falls as a top priority for you? For me I had to be totally honest and transparent with myself. There was somethings on my priority list that I needed to rearrange. Wouldn't you say it's true that we make time for the things and or people that we find important to us?

Here's a question to ponder... Where does God fall on your/ my list of priorities? Is He a convenience or a necessity? I have to admit if I'm being totally honest I have had days where I have treated God, my Creator and Sustainer as a convenience. I also have to say on those days when my priorities were out of whack, my day was out of whack as well.

Today, because that's our current situation, I challenge you as I have myself to place God first on your/ my priority list. Seek him. Then God will direct your path/ my path and our list of priorities will line up with his will for our lives.

What's important to you? Who's important to you? What actions will you demonstrate today to sinc your priorities with those things that are important? Lastly, don't sweat the small stuff. When God is first those things have a tendency to disappear and work themselves out.

Be courageous and confident today Champions! Put God in the #1 spot!

For where your treasure is there will be your heart also.

Luke 12:34

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