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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Precious gifts...

Something that is freely given to you from another, that you cherish and hold very dear to your heart.

Hi there Champions! May today be opened with anticipation and appreciated for the gift that it actually is. We have been given a new day of life!

I encourage you to live today with a spirit of I get to, instead of I got to.

The picture I attached to this morning's blog is of two gifts that were given to me, by two incredible little people in my life. They both were made with love and I treasure them beyond words.

So here we are at our morning topic...

derived by a Lego lighthouse and a birthday cake made from play doh.

You see, precious gifts are found in the eye and heart of the beholder. Just might make you reconsider what is actually classified as a precious gift? I can't speak for you but I am learning to embrace this thing called living. The days of wishing my life away are in the rearview mirror.

Let me explain- I've been guilty on numerous occasions of complaining on Monday that I wished it was Friday. Here's another one, I wish it was summer or spring, when I'm smack dab in the middle of winter. I wish this day was over etc, etc, etc.

Boy, was I clouded in my thinking process. I am fully aware there is events that have taken place and are still taking place that were or are really crummy. Some even tragic, that I wish never happened in my life.

>But those events are the same things that shaped me and helped me to understand that I need God through the valleys as well as the mountain tops. Those same events helped me to recognize beauty out of the ashes. I would be a hypocrite to say, it didn't hurt and that I didn't kick and scream the whole way through several of those refining moments. However, once on the other side, I see the gift in the journey. I see the lesson in the test.

I see because my eyes are focused on my Creator.

Not everyday is good, but something good can be found in everyday. We just need to open the precious gift of the new day we are blessed with. God gives the best gifts ever. Its pretty hard to top eternal life. So Rock today, if I'm not mistaken It is called the present, right?

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.

James 1:17

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