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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


A picture made using a camera to capture an image.

Wednesday is here and what a glorious morning we have been given. I encourage you this morning Champions to take a moment to reflect and be grateful for all the Lord has done.

I'm coming into the birthday week of two of my children and with that brings a time of reflection for me. Fumbling through the pages of photo albums of memories made with them and times shared makes my heart smile. A simple photograph but yet a tremendous blessing that God provided. I certainly am not a rearview mirror kind of person but photographs have a way of taking us to those special moments in time that we were given and that is a very precious thing. As I become a bit nostalgic this morning and rewind back to a time when loved ones were here that have now gone on. A time of firsts, of new life through babies being brought in this world, some photos with tears... both joy and sorrow captured in a photo. I thank God for the snapshots. I thank God for this movie called my life. Here's the thing, each day is a gift, what we do with it, is up to us. How about today...we join together and walk a little slower, listen a little deeper and embrace the opportunities with a zest and zeal that we never have before? We will never have the last day in July 2019 again. Make it a great day!

How precious also are your thoughts to me oh God! How vast is the sum of them.

Psalm 139:17

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