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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke


Being free from disturbance, tranquitly. A state of being mentally and spiritually. The opposite of being stressed.

Happy Saturday morning Champions! The possibilities the day holds are endless. Our approach to it will determine the outcome! Peaceful and tranquil sounds like a winning attitude and plan of attack to me.

We already know things are going to happen but together at this very moment we can set the tone for our day! I challenge you to say no to the nay sayers, the negativity, anything that is a joy stealer and makes you a grumpy pants! Shift the script. It's perspective and focus! Look at your blessings, appreciate how far you've come and breathe! Be careful of who or what you allow to influence your state of mind. Remember every action every word, begins with a thought! Manage your mind and watch how things begin to change today! I believe in you, I believe in us! I know we can because He did!

I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world!

John 16:33

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