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Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Passing the test...

Successfully going through and coming out on the other side of a difficult issue or life situation. Typically resulting in a lesson learned.

Praying for an abundance of blessings to be yours today Champions! May the God of the mountain, also be the God of the valley as you go about your day!

Reflecting this morning on the many tests I have endured in this life. Smiling because God was the best teacher ever! I believe it's safe to say that as we're going through a test, it's not always comfortable. Sometimes, we have the answer buried deep inside our brain but connecting with it, isn't always easy. Let's face it, we experience some pretty tuff stuff here on planet earth. Some is self inflicted, some not. God is always teaching us, if we are receptive to learning. To be prepared for a test when we were in school...we studied, we researched, we read, we practiced. The tests of life require the same preparation. Too often we aren't prepared because we haven't put in the time prior to test day. Champions, praying, reading the bible, studying. The aforementioned done consistently before the test gets there, will help us to be victorious. The tests have, will, and are going to come. We know this, so what better way to pass them than to be prepared prior to their arrival. We may not know the questions that will be asked of us, but we do know where to go to get the answers to those questions. If you're going through a test right now, I pray you connect with God and seek the answers that he will freely give to help you pass it and come out with a victory.

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

Matthew 19:26

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