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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Opening the Floodgates!

To make something possible happen that had been difficult or seemed impossible.

May your Wednesday be! I'm leaving that right here. You can add what you know is needed after the be... I'm praying for you!

God is amazing and I thank him this morning. Transparency this morning. I've had a pretty tough go at it over the past week. Have you had those times Champions? When it just seems like the waves of life are crashing down? I'm happy to say that through this trying time, my focus remains on my Savior and Sustainer! The Great I Am! All of that to say this, he laid deep within my spirit this morning " opening the Floodgates!" I feel like there is someone reading this blog this morning that needs this as much as I do. I have to say with boldness and confidence, do not give in to the enemies tactics. He will do his best to make you and me lose our focus so we won't be effective for God. He's a liar! God is on the scene and is ready to fight what ever battle you and me are facing. Here's the thing, it doesn't mean it's going to be easy or without pain. However, trust and believe, he will bring you through the flood. He will open the Floodgates and will walk with you and me every step of the way. The waters are about to subside. Claim it today Champions!

And the dove came back to him in the evening, and behold, in her mouth was a freshly plucked olive leaf. So Noah knew that the waters had subsided from the earth.

Genesis 8:11

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