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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Observe don't absorb...

To see or take notice of something, without allowing it to enter into your space and jeopardize your peace.

Monday mornings are super exciting Champions! A brand new week to make incredible things happen. I challenge you to focus on those areas you can impact and make a difference in.

Over coffee I took a moment to breathe. Thinking about this morning's topic, much learning can certainly come to fruition. Observing is such a great teacher. The catch is, don't absorb the things observed that don't move you forward in a positive direction.

We learn from watching. Have you ever heard the saying...

Don't listen to what they say, watch what they do?

There is so much to be gained from that saying.

Lean in...everything doesn't require a reaction. Learn to observe but not absorb the things that negatively impact your spirit. Unfortunately, this could be the actions of some that are very close to us. Look to God, let him be your moral compass. People are fallible, God is not. Champions, sometimes we just have to observe without absorbing.

God will never let you down. People will.

I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock;

Acts 20:29

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