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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

No Response Required

The person being interacted with has made a decision to yield output. One who practices self control and is ok with not providing a reaction concerning certain situations or circumstances.

We have arrived at Wednesday Champions! The middle of the week. Do something today that will make your heart sing and God smile!

In the still quiet moment of this morning, I chose " No Response Required." That is what was placed on my heart and in my spirit, so here goes. Through life's lessons, I have learned, that every situation doesn't require a response. I asked myself, why is it that we feel, we must explain our side of things or our opinion all the time? Could it be that we are more concerned with being right and having others join our rally? I encourage you to really give it some thought. The heated debates over the most minuscule things. We've all been there. Sometimes, silence is the perfect solution.

On another note, we do need to be aware when a response is required but think before we speak and act in those situations. Leaving you with this today, don't allow someone or something to take you where you don't want to go. Practice self control and watch how you grow in grace. Oh, the art of listening...that's where we learn the most.

Have an incredible day today!

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger;

James 1:19

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