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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Never give up 

To persevere and continue, to press on regardless of the situation or circumstance.

Sending Saturday morning prayers for peace and purpose to you and yours Champions!

As I was pondering over this week and deciding what the topic for this morning was, I landed on never give up! Sometimes, we may feel like that is easier said than done. I heard this quote I absolutely loved. Goes something like this...

She threw in the towel, God threw it back at her and said, "Wipe off your face!"

" I'm not finished yet, trust me!"

On those days that seem a little harder than others, cling to the hem of his garment. Focusing on the problem solver, instead of the problem. Champions, be in the word and store it up inside you. The best advice I heard this week is, don't wait until you need it to go looking for it. When we are in the word and filling our mind, body, and soul with that nourishment, we can pull from the reserves when we need it. Keep your cup so full that it is running over and you have plenty to share with that one that just might need it. Dropping the mic!

Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

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