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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Mood Control!

Mood- a temporary state of mind or feeling.

Sunday is on the horizon! Be bold, be courageous and be confident! Walk with purpose and go slay your day!

Mood Control... I stopped for a brief moment this morning pondering what should the topic be for today and BAM! God gives me mood control.

Have you ever started a sentence with, " I'm just not in the mood?" I know I sure have.

As I was doing a self check this morning I came to an obvious conclusion, my mood should not prevent me from putting hands and feet to me executing throughout my day. Can anyone say, Amen?

Seriously, too often we allow our moods to dictate to us what we are going to accomplish. Keeping it real. Is it safe to say sometimes we use our mood as an excuse? I challenge you as I am myself to push through the mood. To focus on what needs to be done and where you are being led to go, then just do it!

Question of the day, " how do you eat an elephant? " ONE BITE AT A TIME!

Do not be anxious about anything, by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

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