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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Mirror Mirror On The Wall 

A reflective surface, typically made of glass coated with a metal amalgam, that reflects a clear image.

Good morning Champions! May today bring you abundant joy and grace!

When you awoke this morning and went to the bathroom to prepare for the day, did you take a glimpse in the mirror? I think it's a pretty sure thing that we all did. Question, what did you notice? A new wrinkle, possibly puffy eyes, evidence if you received adequate sleep last night? Sometimes we are our own worst critic. Take a moment this morning and join with me in looking past the face in the mirror. Look a little deeper, how about we examine our hearts? The outward appearance too often is judged by what we see cosmetically. As I was preparing for this morning, I thought... what if there wasn't any mirrors? What if we were more concerned with improving our inner person, than our outer appearance? Don't get me wrong, health and good hygiene is important to taking care of these temporary temples we have. But really Champions, what reflection does others see in you/ in me? Are we self driven possibly a little vain or are we striving daily to be more like the one who created us in His image? Would we walk with a different since of boldness and humility if we shifted our script? I truly believe in order to make a difference in the world around us there needs to be a difference demonstrated in each one of us. So, with all of that being said, will you join me today in focusing on the heart? Asking for God to create in you and in me a clean heart? Beauty is certainly more than skin deep! One changed heart at a time will make a difference!

As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects man.

Proverbs 27:19

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