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  • Writer's pictureCassie Burke

Miracles still happen...

Extraordinary events that are manifested through divine intervention that occur daily. Look for and appreciate them.

Grace abound Champions! God is still in the miracle business and sitting on the thrown. Praise him, because he is worthy!

As the sky begins to illuminate the day ahead with the rising of the sun, I give thanks!

My mind reflects on the miracles that are ever present in my life. Champions, they are in your life as well! Too often we walk through this world with blinders on.

Today I am going to walk in a way that pleases my Creator. I am going to acknowledge the miracles he sends my way!

Today is a perfect day to have a heart of thanksgiving. Champions, how about it? Let's look for those miracles today!

You are the God who works wonders; you have made known your might among the peoples.

Psalm 77:14

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